Thursday, December 10, 2009


hey choir.
we've decided to create a new blog. so this will be the last post here.
please visit the blog regularly for updates and messages.
keep it alive! :D

the new blog is:

and we have a choir email too. so you can contact us if you need anything or to send photos or whatever. its:


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hello choir!
it's been a while since we updated so since activities are starting we will start posting pictures updates or reminders as often as possible! so do take a look and visit the blog periodically:D

for tomoro, we will have
sop1s and alto2s doing the banner
sop2s and alto1s doing the souvenirs.
we drew lots so its a fair allocation!
we hope as many as possible can make it unless you have very valid reasons like you are overseas or some prior commitments.

so this is what you need to bring:
--> 1 day's worth of newspapers each. this is so that we can line the floor and do the banner on the newpapers so we will not make a mess on the floor and also the newspaper will harden the banner when it dries. this is just a guideline! but if you are being fetched it would be nice if you could do us a favour and bring along more newspapers(: haha.
--> scissors. we need to do cutting tomoro. so please, do bring your scissors unless you have a better idea of how we can cut ribbons.
-->markers. they can be of any colour(:
-->paint brushes. to paint the banner! so there isnt a need to bring those super thin brushes we use to paint our art pieces. prefably bigger thicker brushes!
--->a plastic container or two each if you can. those transparent disposable microwavable ones like when we buy takeaway noodles soup? yeah. used ones are fine. as long as they are dry! cos we need to use them as palettes for the paint. we're not painting out of the cans:)

so yeap that should be all. bring water to drink! see you tomoro 9.30 at the canteen! :D sleep well.